Personal trainers is an increasingly common term. Personal trainers have begun to be increasingly demanded by the general public in order to achieve faster results in a more efficient way. All personal trainers will tell you that food is as important as the training session itself. Which foods increase muscle growth? And, which are the best workout exercises for muscle growth that you can do at home?
Any personal coach will tell you that the training you do in the gym can be divided into two categories:
l those intended for weight loss
l those for increasing muscle mass
What very few people will tell you is that most of the time, the two categories intertwine, meaning you can lose weight by following a muscle growth protocol, and you can also increase your muscle mass while trying to lose weight.
A good personal trainer will also tell you that the exercises you are doing do not make the difference between results and failure, but rather how you execute them does. In order to understand the process by which your body thickens your muscle cells, we need to take a step back and look at the whole picture.
How does muscle build up?
Hypertrophy or the development of muscle mass by increasing cell volume is a process by which your body reacts to external stimuli. Just as some of the bacteria have evolved in more complex organisms, so do we evolve throughout our lives according to the environment in which we live.
Let's say your job involves the transport of furniture, then you will develop a prominent musculature to help you with this mission. If you stay all day in the office, your body will probably adapt and you'll develop a layer of fat around your waist.
Training in the fitness center only replaces the external stimuli. Thus, even if you work sitting in the chair all day, you will trick your body into believing it needs the muscle mass you need to develop.
Looking more in detail, we note that not all exercises in the fitness room are the same. Some involve the use of a single joint (flexions with dumbbells or triceps extensions) and others can only be performed with several joints (squats, pull-ups, push-ups).
The latter is more effective for muscular development because they involve more joints, but also more muscles.
According to the same principle, the more muscle you work during a workout session, the more you can reach a more prominent muscle and it is also possible to lose out some of the fat on the abdomen.
Indicated diet for muscle growth.
The diet you follow is the one that makes the difference between increasing muscle mass and weight loss, in specific terms, anabolism, and catabolism.
What to remember:
l a hypercaloric (many calorie) diet leads to weight gain and promotes hypertrophy. A high intake of proteins and liquids is also necessary.
l a low-calorie diet (very few calories) forces the body to cannibalize (catabolism) to get the necessary energy since it does not come from food. You will lose some of the muscle mass and some of the fat cells. When we say that we want to lose weight, we mean that we want to lose as much fat as possible, but at the same time, we want to keep our muscle mass as much as possible.
Which foods increase muscle growth?
The diet, which consists of foods rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and essential fatty acids, combined with daily exercises, is the safest way to harmonious muscular development.
Here are some examples of foods that increase muscle growth:
l Eggs – are full of proteins that cover the needs of the body and contain many vitamins and minerals, riboflavin, folic acid, iron, phosphorus and zinc that balance the electrolyte level and keep the energy level throughout the day. Egg yolk contains vitamin B12 that destroys fat deposits and which is indispensable for muscle contraction.
l Almonds – are among the richest sources of alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties and can prevent the attack of free radicals on the body. This protection assures the rapid development of the muscular system and early recovery from muscle fever. Also, regular almond consumption may decrease Alzheimer's risk by nearly 67%, which is a well-known memory disorder that is constantly worsening and can affect language, thinking, understanding, reading, and writing.
l Salmon – is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and high-quality protein that increases muscle growth. Also, salmon consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
l Yogurt – is the ideal combination of protein and carbohydrates, and puts you at your fingertips when you feel muscular fever is on its verge. Indicated are simple yogurt assortments that regulate insulin levels, one of the sure ways to prevent muscular pain. Yogurt is one of the few foods that contain conjugated linoleic acid, a very special type of fat that has the role of reducing the amount of harmful fat in the body.
l Beef – is an important source of iron and zinc, two key elements in increasing muscle mass. It is also a rich source of creatine (an extra source of energy) and selenium (a mineral that can prevent prostate cancer). Also, beef contains conjugated linoleic acid.
l Olive oil – contains monounsaturated fats that prevent muscle aches caused by intense exercise, but also have a protective effect on the colon and bones, lowering the risk of diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
l Water – the muscles are made up of about 80% water, so you have to keep hydrated if you want your biceps looking as in those pics in a bodybuilding magazine. Specialists recommend daily consumption of at least 2 liters of water for toning the skin and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
l Coffee – two cups of coffee that are drunk for hours before starting your workout session at the gym help you to be stronger and resist to more demanding exercises, suggests a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. If you know that you still have trouble with blood pressure, avoid coffee and limit yourself to water.
Which are the best workout exercises for muscle growth that you can do at home?
Even if they participated in bodybuilding competitions and are followers of muscular development to support a healthy lifestyle, many professional bodybuilders do not agree with the specific bodybuilding training that's done in gym rooms nowadays. They say this only works for people who use anabolic steroids to increase the testosterone level of the body.
The professional bodybuilders who do not resort to such substances are forced to get more testosterone naturally, through intense training and as many muscle groups involved in each training session.
The best workout exercises for muscle growth that you can do at home are exercises such as push-ups, pectoral workout with a chest expander, squats, dumbbell workouts, pull-ups, or lunges.
It is recommended to try to combine these exercises in a variety of ways and do not forget that you can not fail to combine the exercises but learn to execute them as accurately as possible to achieve the intended purpose.
In conclusion.
Foods increase muscle growth if they are rich enough in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. Also, exercises are of major importance when it comes to muscle growth, therefore try combining exercises with the specific foods that increase muscle growth and the desired results will not be late to appear.