Sunday, March 11, 2018

Where is Crazy Bulk based?

Where is Crazy Bulk based?

Have you ever wanted to use steroids but you've been scared by the complexity of steroids' administration, steroids bulking schemes, or by their side effects? If so, don't worry much because Crazy Bulk supplements are steroid alternatives without the same side effects that real steroids have. What are Crazy Bulk supplement? What are they made of? Where is Crazy Bulk based? These questions might pop-up in your head when trying to find out if Crazy Bulk supplements are indeed legit.

What are Crazy Bulk supplement?

First of all, Crazy Bulk supplements are bodybuilding supplements, being advertised by their manufacturer as steroids alternatives.

Crazy Bulk supplements are designed by Wolfson Berg, Ltd., a well-known company in the nutritional supplements market.

Because they are steroids alternatives, Crazy Bulk muscle growth supplements are made of mixtures of ingredients which, when combined, offer great bulking or cutting effects.

Crazy Bulk supplements are split in 2 categories:

l  Bulking supplements – D-Bal (Dianabol substitute), Trenorol (Trenbolone substitute), Testo-Max (Sustanon substitute), HGH-X2 (increasing the growth hormone secretion levels in the body), Anadrole (Anadrol substitute), DecaDuro (Deca Durabolin substitute).

l  Cutting supplements – Anvarol (Anavar substitute), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol substitute), Winsol (Winstrol substitute).

What are Crazy Bulk supplements made of?

As I've already said, Crazy Bulk supplements are made of ingredients which have great bulking and cutting properties. Among these ingredients, worth of mentioning are:

l  Tribulus Terrestris – natural enhancer of the testosterone level in the body.

l  BCAAs (isoleucine, leucine, valine) – directly responsible with muscle growth, energy boosting, strength enhancement, and recovery period speeding up.

l  Nettle leaf extract – fighting against muscular inflammation and weakness.

l  Creatine – maintains the main source of energy in ATP which is responsible with the energy release during muscles contractions.

l  Fenugreek – aphrodisiac with an important role in increasing the testosterone in the body.

l  Ginseng – great testosterone enhancer, stress-relief plant, strength enhancer, and energizer.

l  L-Arginine – is transformed in the body in nitric oxide (NO) which is increasing the blood flow to the muscles.

l  L-Citrulline – is transformed in the body in L-Arginine which is, at its turn, transformed in NO.

l  L-Carnitine – directly involved in muscles development and muscles tiredness prevention.

l  Pepsin – responsible for decomposing the proteins in peptides.

l  Samento bark extract (Cat's Claw extract) – supports joints, and it is involved in eliminating inflammation and speeding up the recovery period.

Where is Crazy Bulk based?

Crazy Bulk is owned and administered by Wolfson Berg, Ltd., which is already a notorious name in the supplements' industry, being the manufacturer for dozens of other well-rated supplements.

Crazy-bulks is the official site of Crazy Bulk supplements for muscle growth. On the site you can see that their contact number is an US-based landline. However, Crazy Bulk's headquarters are in Cyprus.

This is understandable considering that Cyprus is one of the most appreciated tax heavens for companies.

How much Crazy Bulk supplements cost?

Crazy Bulk supplements for muscle growth and cutting have the following prices:

l  D-Bal - $59.99

l  Testo-Max - $59.99

l  HGH-X2 - $59.99

l  DecaDuro - $61.99

l  NO2-Max - $59.99

l  Trenorol - $61.99

l  Clenbutrol - $61.99

l  Winsol - $61.99

l  Anadrole - $54.99

l  Anvarol - $54.99

l  Crazy Bulk cutting stack (plus FREE guide) – D-Bal, Testo-Max, DecaDuro, Trenorol - $184.99

l  Crazy Bulk bulking stack (plus FREE guide) – Clenbutrol, Anvarol, Testo-Max, Winsol - $179.99

l  Crazy Bulk Growth Hormone Stack – DecaDuro, HGH-X2, D-Bal, Testo-Max, and Clenbutrol – $239.99

Moreover, Crazy Bulk is also selling fitness equipment (t-shirts, shorts, leggings, socks, top tanks) starting from $24.99.

How long does it takes for Crazy Bulk to deliver?

Crazy Bulk ships in maximum 15 days, depending on your country of residence, as follows:

l  on the US territory – 3-7 days

l  on the UK territory – 3-7 days

l  for European countries – 3-10 days

l  for Australia, Canada, and other countries – 5-15 days
